| Troy Chemical Company B.V.
Poortweg 4C NL-2612PA Delft The Netherlands
 | | +31 (10) 8990142 |  | | info.benelux@troycorp.com |
| |  | Troy Chemie GmbH
Seligmannallee 1 D-30173 Hannover, Germany
 | | +49 (0) 511-8998-830
|  | | info.dachs@troycorp.com |
| |  | Troy Rheinland GmbH
Industriepark 23 D-56593 Horhausen, Germany Stoerfall Broschuere
 | | +49 (0) 2687-92653-0 |  | | info.dachs@troycorp.com |
Troy Moerdijk B.V.
Westelijke Randweg 9, 4791RT Klundert, The Netherlands
 | | +31 (0) 16-835-6500 |  | | troymoerdijk@troycorp.com |
| | Troy Italia
Via Domenico Scarlatti 26 20124 Milano, Italy
 | | +39 (02) 475-054 |  | | info.italy@troycorp.com |
| | Troy Iberica
C/O Santiago Rusiñol, 1 E-08470 Sant Celoni Barcelona, Spain
 | | +34-93-867-5690 |  | | info.iberica@troycorp.com |
Troy Chemical Company
Neverovskogo Street, 10 5th floor, Office 507 121170 Moscow, Russia
 | | +7 (0) 49-5181-5160 |  | | info.russia@troycorp.com |
| | Troy Biosciences UK
71 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4BE United Kingdom
| | Troy Biosciences Poland Sp z.o.o.
Mianowskiego 3/6 02-044 Warszawa Poland